Head Cold

92 min. documentary,
2010 D: Gamma Bak

Psychosis – an illness that is apparently incurable, a diagnosis that literally turns the lives of those involved upside-down. Nothing is the same as it once was, and the sojourns in psychiatric wards are often followed by a life-long dependence on medications that have severe side-effects.

Talking about the illness is a taboo—for who wants to voluntarily declare themselves as a lunatic? For the first time ever, the afflicted author and director Gamma Bak dares to make an autobiographical film dealing with the various stages of her illness.

The result is a highly intimate and fascinating self-portrait that offers not only an introduction to the complex issue but also provides a direct insight to both the struggles involved with the diagnosis of psychosis and the associated stigmatization.


Festivals, Awards:
Berlinale IFF